Concerned about rising levels of device addiction and cyber-crime, Kedar Kilanbu reached out to the DQ Institute in 2017 to initiate the spread of #DQEveryChild in Nepal. In September 2017, with support from APEX ICT Institute, a technology training, development and innovation company, Kedar conducted two-day DQ teacher workshops across four schools in Nepal. Over the course of these workshops, 60 teachers were introduced to the DQ World programme, its learning objectives, and encouraged to use the platform in their classrooms.
To better understand Nepali children’s digital use habits, Kedar and APEX ICT Institute offered schools the opportunity to take part in the 2017 DQ Study. They worked together to reach private and community schools, printing out the study for smoother implementation in areas with low connectivity. Through their hard work, they were able to reach close to 1,000 students – out of which 264 8-12 year old students were included in this study.

Over Half of 8-12 year olds in Nepal Exposed to Cyber-risks

Cyberbullies top risk for children
Mar 2, 2018-More than half the children in the 8 to 12 age groups in Nepal are exposed to one or more cyber-risks such as cyber bullying, video game addiction, online grooming and online sexual behaviours when using online platforms, a recent study reveals. READ MORE

Schoolchildren falling prey to online sexual abuse
More schoolchildren in the capital are falling prey to online sexual abuse due to their addiction to social networking sites. Many parents in urban areas give their children uncontrolled access to the Internet which has left the children at high risk of online grooming and sexual abuse of late. READ MORE

58 pc Nepal children aged 8 to 12 years face cyber risks: Report
Some 58 percent children aged between 8 and 12 years are exposed to cyber risks in Nepal, according to a recent study.
The Digital Intelligence (DQ) Institute, an international think tank, published its impact report 2018 on February 5. READ MORE

From Our Partner
Kedar Kilanbu
Adviser to Apex ICT Institute and DQ Certified Ambassador to Nepal
“My country needs to raise Digital Intelligence to empower the current generation of children to become digital leaders in order to reduce gaps in future generations.”