Movement for 8-12 Year-Olds

#DQEveryChild is a strategic global movement to empower 8-12 year olds with comprehensive digital citizenship skills from the start of their digital lives. The movement started in collaboration with Singtel and the World Economic Forum, and has quickly expanded to include over 100 partner organizations and was active in more than 80 countries in 2019.
Watch the video to learn more!
Press Release
February 09 ,2021
New Global Standards to Empower Digital Citizens – Helping children with digital skills
Press Release
October 09 ,2020
World’s First Global Standard for Digital Literacy and Digital Skills Is Born In Singapore
Press Release
May 25 ,2020
An expert explains: the digital risks facing our children during COVID-19
April 30 ,2020
#DQEveryChild COVID-19 Response Fund Highlighted by BBC
Press Release
March 21 ,2020
Infographic: Child online safety
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Australia second only to Spain when it comes to child safety online, index reveals
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
British children stare at screens for 44 hours per week, says first global Child Online Safety Index
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Youngsters aged eight to 19 stare at smartphone or TV screens for 44 hours each week, new report reveals
Press Release
February 09 ,2021
New Global Standards to Empower Digital Citizens – Helping children with digital skills
Press Release
October 09 ,2020
World’s First Global Standard for Digital Literacy and Digital Skills Is Born In Singapore
Press Release
May 25 ,2020
An expert explains: the digital risks facing our children during COVID-19
April 30 ,2020
#DQEveryChild COVID-19 Response Fund Highlighted by BBC
Press Release
March 21 ,2020
Infographic: Child online safety
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Australia second only to Spain when it comes to child safety online, index reveals
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
British children stare at screens for 44 hours per week, says first global Child Online Safety Index
Press Release
February 13 ,2020
Youngsters aged eight to 19 stare at smartphone or TV screens for 44 hours each week, new report reveals



Child Digital Readiness Kit

As children complete each Digital Citizenship Skill, parents get a DQ Scorecard via email detailing their child’s progress and exposure to cyber-risks.

Parents receive a digital copy of the DQ Parenting Handbook to help them improve their entire family’s DQ.

DQ World is a world leading online education platform to teach children ages 8-12 the 8 Digital Citizenship Skills. It empowers them to become informed and discerning digital citizens.
- Research-Based: Developed in collaboration with leading research institutions across the globe
- Comprehensive: Targets knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behaviors in relation to the 8 digital citizenship skills
- Internationally Recognized: Acknowledged by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- Proven Education Approach: Awarded twice by UNESCO (2012; 2013)
- Accessible: Only requires a computer with an Internet connection
- Scalable: Can be used across the world in small- and large-scale settings
- 8 Languages Available: Arabic, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Traditional Chinese
- Low Maintenance: Self-directed learning with minimal support from parents
- Interactive: Keeps children engaged through a gamified storytelling approach with animated content, comics, and lessons
Hour Programme |
Increase in DQ Score |
Reduction of Risky Online Behaviour |
Critical Thinking, Empathy & Global Citizenship Skills |

DQ Reports
World’s First Assessment of Digital
Citizenship Based on Research
Citizenship Based on Research
After completion of each skill on DQ World, parents and schools can receive a DQ Skill Report. Upon completion of the entire programme, parents and schools can purchase the DQ Individual Scorecards and DQ School Premium Reports respectively.
The DQ Reports provides a comprehensive summary of children’s digital lives including digital competency, usage, exposure to cyber dangers, personal strengths, and their digital support environment as compared to other schools and age groups in their nation. Students are assessed in the following areas:

Assessment of the child’s mastery of the eight core digital citizenship competencies and improvement after completion of the DQ World online curriculum. National averages are included for comparison.

Assessment of the child’s personal strengths across the areas of global citizenship, social relationships, self efficacy, self regulation, emotional regulation and balance of offline and online reality.

Provides useful information on the child’s weekly screen time for entertainment, social media, etc.

Indicates the child’s exposure to cyber-risks including online strangers, game addiction, cyberbullying, cyber victimization, etc.

Indicates the degree of guidance and parental mediation the child feels he or she receives.
DQ Individual Scorecards are available for parents.

The DQ Individual Scorecard gives a snapshot of 1 of the 8 digital citizenship skills of your child and includes a skill score, comparisons to national and global averages, and other insightful information in relationship to your child’s score.

The DQ School Scorecard gives a snapshot of 1 of the 8 digital citizenship skills of your school which includes a skill score, comparisons to national and global averages, and other insightful information in relationship to your entire school’s score.

The School Premium Report provides aggregate DQ scores of school participants, compared with national results; as well as in-depth analysis and recommendations according to the five main areas. There will also be an actionable plan for intervention for high-risk students.

The DQ National Report assesses the national DQ Score of 8-12 year old children. It aims to report general findings and provide evidence-based recommendations to advance national policies on digital education and online safety for children. If you are interested in obtaining DQ National Reports for your county, please contact us.