Wederom gaat LEGO een nieuwe samenwerking aan. Ditmaal met DQ Institute, een internationale denktank met de toewijding om een wereldwijde standaard van digitale gemeenschap en online kinderveiligheid te bereiken. De samenwerking tussen de twee bedrijven is een volgende stap in het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden bij kinderen om zich veilig op het internet te begeven. 

LEGO en DQ Institute kondigen een samenwerking aan en zetten hiermee de volgende stap naar een veilige digitale omgeving. Eerder had LEGO al aangegeven om de strijd tegen het cyberpesten aan te gaan om kinderen en ouders hiermee te leren omgaan. Samen met DQ Institute zetten ze hun weg verder naar het creëren van een veilige digitale omgeving. Met de samenwerking willen ze kinderen helpen hun vaardigheden te ontwikkelen om zich veilig een weg te kunnen banen op het wereldwijde web.

Een nieuw digitaal platform is gelanceerd waar kinderen kunnen leren wat digitale empathie betekend en waarom dit zo belangrijk is. Het is niet alleen belangrijk om met je eigen gevoelens rekening te houden, maar ook met die van anderen. Via het nieuwe platform zijn tal van interactieve ervaringen die hierbij kunnen helpen bij de ontwikkeling van digitale empathie. Afhankelijk van het resultaat kunnen kinderen een “online empathy hero” status toegewezen krijgen. Je kan het platform hier bekijken en in het artikel is het volledige persbericht toegevoegd.

LEGO en DQ Institute kondigen samenwerking aan (2)

Billund, February 9th 2021: The LEGO Group has today announced a new partnership with the DQ Institute, a world-leading think tank on digital citizenship and online child safety. The partnership will see the two organisations work together to help children develop the skills they need to thrive in the digital world.

As part of the partnership, the LEGO Group has today launched a new, interactive, fun and safe learning experience, based on the DQ (Digital Intelligence) framework that was pioneered by the DQ Institute. The experience has been co-designed by the DQ Institute and the LEGO Group to teach children vital digital empathy skills at a time when they are spending more time online than ever before.

The interactive experience on will help children explore what digital empathy means and why it is so important; helping them to be aware of, sensitive to, and supportive of one’s own and others’ feelings, needs, and concerns online. During this fun and accessible learning experience, LEGO® Minifigures will present children with a series of dilemmas that they may encounter in the digital world, such as cyberbullying scenarios, online mobs and the spreading of misinformation, in a way that is easy to understand. Based on their responses, children will be awarded an online empathy hero status. The experience makes the topic of digital empathy easy and accessible for children to understand.

LEGO en DQ Institute kondigen samenwerking aan (2)

Digital citizenship skills, including digital empathy, are vital for positive experiences in the online world. Digital empathy is one of the core digital citizenship skills that help children develop a keener sense of how their online communication could impact others, with research from the DQ Institute showing that children with high Digital Intelligence (DQ) scores are less likely to get involved with cyberbullying or face other cyber risks(1).

With children spending more time online due to lockdowns, this year’s Safer Internet Day is incredibly important for drawing attention to these issues, especially with 45% of children aged between 8 – 12 years old reporting that they have been affected by cyberbullying in the past(2).

“We share a common vision with the LEGO Group to empower children to be good digital citizens who can minimize cyber risks and maximize their potential in the digital world,” said Yuhyun Park, Founder of the DQ Institute and international expert in digital skills and child online safety. “That is why we are so pleased to be working with the LEGO Group since they are experts in communicating with children. We hope that the playful experience we design together will help to empower children to make the internet a better place for them in the future.”

LEGO en DQ Institute kondigen samenwerking aan (2)

The LEGO Group is the first toy manufacturer to partner with the DQ Institute to promote digital empathy learning among children. The company has worked closely with the DQ Institute to create the experience in alignment with the DQ framework, the world’s first global standard related to digital literacy, digital skills, and digital readiness (IEEE 3572.1-2020). For example, each of the four new heroes links directly to the digital empathy skills that the DQ Institute recommends children develop:

  • Sir Hug A Lot – who embodies online empathy
  • Butterclops – a representation of online self-awareness
  • AeroVision – designed to help children acknowledge the perspectives of other people
  • Admiral Highfive – a character created to talk about being kind online

“Helping kids understand how to stay safe and be kind to others online has never been more crucial. At the LEGO Group, we know children learn best when they are playing and believe we are uniquely placed to help them explore important topics like digital empathy in a playful and memorable way. This new experience is just the start of our collaboration with the DQ Institute. Together we share an ambition to equip children, and also parents, with the knowledge, tools and skills needed to build a generation of responsible digital citizens,” said Kathrine Kirk Muff, VP of Social Responsibility at the LEGO Group.